Shedding Blood | Prayer Of Repentance | With Bible Verses | Ezekiel 22 

Shedding Blood | Prayer Of Repentance | With Bible Verses | Ezekiel 22 

My Heavenly Father, Sovereign Lord of all creation, I humbly come before You, burdened by the weight of the sins of shedding blood and defiling the land, sins that have stained the history of Your chosen people, Israel. I stand in the gap, interceding on behalf of my nation, seeking Your forgiveness and mercy in the face of our transgressions. 

As I delve into the sacred scriptures of the Tanakh, I am reminded of Your righteous standards and Your abhorrence of shedding innocent blood and defiling the land. In Genesis 9:6, You declared that whoever sheds human blood, by humans shall their blood be shed; for in Your own image You made mankind. Your commandments are clear, and Your judgments are just. Yet, despite Your warnings and statutes, we, the people of Israel, have faltered and strayed from Your path.

Forgive us, O Lord, for the blood we have shed, for the lives we have taken unjustly, and for the violence that has marred our history. Forgive us for the wars we have waged, the injustices we have perpetuated, and the suffering we have inflicted upon one another. We repent of our sins, and we turn to You, the source of all mercy and grace, seeking Your forgiveness and redemption.

Moreover, we confess the sin of defiling the land, the land which You promised to our forefathers as an inheritance. In Leviticus 18:24-28, You warned that if the nations defiled the land, it would vomit them out as it vomited out the nations that were before them. Yet, we have polluted the earth with our disobedience, exploiting its resources for our own gain and neglecting our responsibility to be faithful stewards of Your creation.

Lord, in Your unfailing love and mercy, forgive us for defiling the land with our sin and negligence. Heal the wounds we have inflicted upon Your creation, restore its beauty and fertility, and teach us to care for it with reverence and gratitude. Help us to honor You with our lives and actions, stewarding the land and its resources in accordance with Your will.

In the precious name of Jesus, whose blood was shed for the forgiveness of sins, I plead for Your mercy and grace upon the people of Israel. May His atoning sacrifice cleanse us from all unrighteousness, purifying our hearts and renewing our spirits. May we be reconciled to You, walking in Your ways and seeking Your kingdom above all else.

May this prayer of repentance ascend to Your throne as a fragrant offering, pleasing in Your sight. Hear our cry, O Lord, and forgive Your people for shedding blood and defiling the land. May Your mercy triumph over judgment, and Your grace lead us to true repentance and transformation. 

In Jesus's name, I pray. 


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Submitted By: Hannah Zuyo

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