Prayer For Chris Avell InOhio Who Is Being Persecuted For Helping The Homeless

Prayer For Chris Avell In Ohio Who Is Being Persecuted For Helping The Homeless

Dear Heavenly Father,

We come before You today with heavy hearts, seeking Your divine intervention and protection for our brother Chris Avell in Ohio. Lord, we know that You are a God who sees and hears the cries of Your children, especially those who are being persecuted for their acts of kindness and compassion.

We are reminded of the words in Isaiah 58:7, where You call us to share our food with the hungry, to provide shelter for the wanderer, and to clothe the naked. Chris Avell has followed this call, reaching out to the homeless and extending a helping hand to those in need. Yet, he now faces persecution for his selfless acts of love.

But, Lord, we find comfort and strength in the words of Psalm 34:17-18, which remind us that You are close to the brokenhearted and save those who are crushed in spirit. We ask that You surround Chris with Your comforting presence during this difficult time. Give him the courage and faith to endure the persecution and remain steadfast in his commitment to serve the homeless.

We also remember the example of Joseph in the Old Testament, who faced trials and persecution but ultimately emerged victorious through Your unfailing love and guidance. May Chris find inspiration in Joseph’s story and trust in Your divine plan for his life.

Lord, we lift up the persecutors as well. We pray that their hearts may be softened and their eyes opened to the importance of compassion and kindness towards the marginalized. May they come to understand the true meaning of Your love and be transformed by it.

Finally, we ask for Your divine protection over Chris Avell. Shield him from harm and grant him wisdom in navigating the challenges he faces. May Your angels surround him and guide him in every step he takes.

We pray all these things in the powerful name of Jesus, who Himself was persecuted for His love and mercy.


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