Victory Over Chinese Qigong | Prayers Against Chinese Witchcraft | With Bible Verses 

Victory Over Chinese Qigong | Prayers Against Chinese Witchcraft | With Bible Verses 

Dear Heavenly Father,

In the name of Jesus and by the power of His precious blood, I humbly come before Your throne to seek protection and deliverance from the power and influence of Chinese Qigong. I acknowledge that You are the Almighty God, the Creator of heaven and earth, and that there is no power or authority greater than Yours.

Lord, I recognize that Chinese Qigong is a system of breathing exercises, meditation, and movement designed to cultivate and balance Qi, which is believed to be vital energy for physical and spiritual well-being. However, I also acknowledge that Your word warns us against seeking power and guidance from sources other than You.

In Exodus 20:3, You command us, "You shall have no other gods before me." I declare that You alone are my God, and I renounce any allegiance or dependence on the practices of Chinese Qigong. I confess that my trust and hope are in You alone, for You are my refuge and fortress, my deliverer in whom I trust.

Lord, I pray for Your divine protection and intervention in my life and the lives of those who may be influenced by the teachings and practices of Chinese Qigong. I ask that you shield us from any spiritual deception or bondage that may come from engaging in these practices.

In Deuteronomy 18:10-12, You warn us against practicing divination, sorcery, interpreting omens, or engaging in witchcraft. I declare that I will not partake in any form of divination or sorcery, including the practices associated with Chinese Qigong. I choose to align my thoughts, actions, and beliefs with Your word, which is the ultimate source of truth and wisdom.

Lord, I pray that You would fill us with Your Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit of truth and discernment. Grant us the discernment to recognize and resist any deceptive spirits or teachings that may be connected to Chinese Qigong. Help us to discern between what is truly of You and what is of the enemy.

I also pray for those who are practicing Chinese Qigong, that You would open their eyes to the truth of Your gospel and the salvation found in Jesus Christ. May they come to know Your love and experience the freedom that comes from a personal relationship with You.

Father, I thank You for Your faithfulness and for the protection You provide to Your children. I trust in Your promises that no weapon formed against us shall prosper, and that You are our strong tower and refuge in times of trouble.

I seal this prayer in the precious name of Jesus and His shed blood, declaring victory over any power or influence of Chinese Qigong. May Your light shine brightly in our lives, guiding us on the path of righteousness and protecting us from any spiritual harm.

In the name of Jesus I pray.


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Submitted By: Hannah Zuyo

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