My Faith Tested: Muslim SEO Contractor Refused To Help With SEO Unless I Hid Jesus

My Faith Tested: Muslim SEO Contractor Refused To Help With SEO Unless I Hid Jesus

Recently, I had a really terrible experience while carrying out a business transaction with a Muslim man from Egypt. I thought I was just engaging in a standard SEO service to help my website reach more people. I submitted URLs from my site, which promotes Jesus, speaks out on issues of social justice, and is filled with Bible verses and prayers. The gig mentioned that he doesn’t accept websites that promote hate, but I had no idea that, according to Muslims, my site would be considered hateful.

It all started when I found his service. His profile seemed professional, and the reviews were glowing. He seemed like the perfect person to help me build backlinks and improve my site’s SEO. I reached out, explained my goals, and provided the necessary links. Everything seemed fine until he took a closer look at my site.

He then changed the terms of our agreement. Suddenly, he added a clause to his gig, stating that he doesn’t accept religious sites. He demanded that I change the content of my website if I wanted him to work on my order. This came as a shock to me. My website is a labor of love, dedicated to spreading the teachings of Jesus, advocating for social justice, and offering prayers to those in need. How could this be seen as hateful?

I told him, quite clearly, that I couldn’t change the contents of my website. My faith is at the core of who I am, and my site is a reflection of that. I couldn’t alter it to suit what I saw as an Islamic agenda of violence and repression of religious freedoms. I stood firm in my belief, and that’s when things turned sour.

I requested a refund since he was no longer willing to fulfill the original agreement. But he refused. He took my money and declined to provide the service I had paid for. I felt cheated, disrespected, and deeply hurt. This was more than just a business transaction gone wrong; it felt like an attack on my faith and my principles.

To anyone who is a believer in Jesus and is trying to do business with a Muslim, I offer this word of caution: be very careful. They might cheat you, and they might not feel any remorse about it. They might take your money and refuse to deliver the required services, all while claiming some moral high ground that feels entirely hypocritical.

Now, I’m praying for God to help me recover and restore my funds. I turn to the scriptures for comfort and guidance, particularly Leviticus 19:35-36: "Do not use dishonest standards when measuring length, weight or quantity. Use honest scales and honest weights, an honest ephah and an honest hin. I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt." This experience has been a harsh reminder of the importance of honesty and integrity in all our dealings. I hope that by sharing my story, others might avoid the same pitfall and find strength in their faith, even when facing deceit and betrayal.

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Submitted By: Daniel Malkiel

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