Prayer For Karen’s Nephew | Protection And Trust In God’s Guidance | With Bible Verses

Prayer For Karen’s Nephew | Protection And Trust In God’s Guidance | With Bible Verses

“He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.” – Psalm 91:4

Gracious and Loving God,


We bow before you today, lifting up Karen’s nephew as he embarks on a special mission at Fort Picket. We recognize the courage and sacrifice he displays in serving in the National Guard and ask for your divine protection over him during this time. As he steps into this assignment, we trust in your guidance and provision, knowing that you are the ultimate source of strength and refuge.

In Psalm 91:4, it is written, “He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.” Lord, we ask that you surround Karen’s nephew with your divine protection, encompassing him like feathers covering a bird. May he find solace, courage, and safety in your loving embrace as he carries out his duties.

We pray that you watch over him, both day and night, as he fulfills his responsibilities. Guide his steps and decisions, Lord, that he may walk in alignment with your perfect will. Grant him wisdom and discernment in every situation he encounters, enabling him to navigate challenges with grace and clarity.

Heavenly Father, we also pray for the well-being of Karen’s nephew’s fellow soldiers and the entire National Guard unit. Keep them all safe from harm, providing a hedge of protection around them as they work together in harmony and unity. Shield them from danger, both seen and unseen, and grant them strength and courage to carry out their duties with excellence.

Lord, we ask for moments of respite and refreshment for Karen’s nephew during his time at Fort Picket. Grant him restful sleep, physical strength, and mental clarity. May he find encouragement and comfort in the camaraderie of his comrades, forging bonds that will lift his spirits during his mission.

We place our trust in your unfailing faithfulness, Lord. You promise in Isaiah 41:13, “For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.” Strengthen Karen’s nephew’s faith, reminding him that you are with him every step of the way. Let him find peace and assurance in your presence, fully confident that you will lead and guide him through any challenges he may face.

Gracious God, we pray that you grant Karen’s nephew a safe return home when his mission is completed. Reunite him with his loved ones, surrounding them all with a deep sense of gratitude and joy. May his experiences at Fort Picket be a testimony to your faithfulness and grace.

In Jesus’ name, we ask for your protection, guidance, and provision upon Karen’s nephew and his fellow soldiers. May their service bring honor to your name and may they be a blessing to those around them. We humbly pray all these things, trusting in your mighty power.



Prayer Request:


Pray for my nephew that is in the National Guard as he goes on a special mission for a couple weeks at Fort Picket!


The prayer request above was shared by Karen through her website. We kindly encourage you to visit her site where you can explore additional opportunities to offer support and assistance.

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