Victory Over Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)| Prayers Against Chinese Witchcraft | With Bible Verses 

Victory Over Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)| Prayers Against Chinese Witchcraft | With Bible Verses 

Dear Heavenly Father,

I come before you today, acknowledging your sovereignty and seeking your divine protection. As I lift up my voice, I ask for your shield of defense against the power and influence of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). You are the great I AM, the Alpha and Omega, and I trust in your unfailing love and guidance.

Lord Jesus, I am grateful for the power of your precious blood, which was shed on the cross for the redemption of my sins. I plead the blood of Jesus to cleanse and purify me from any negative effects or harm that may come from the practice of TCM. Your blood is a powerful shield that covers me, protecting me from all forms of deception and harm.

In the Bible, you have provided us with wisdom and discernment regarding practices that may lead us away from your truth. Your word instructs us to worship you alone and seek healing through your name. I pray, O Lord, that you would guard my mind and heart against the allure and influence of TCM.

Father God, I ask for your divine guidance and discernment in navigating the complexities of health and healing. Help me to discern between practices that align with your divine will and those that may lead me astray. Grant me the wisdom to make sound decisions that honor you and prioritize my well-being.

I lift up those who practice and promote TCM to you, Lord. Soften their hearts and open their eyes to the truth of your word. May they come to know the healing power that can only be found in your name. Lead them into a deeper understanding of your love and grace.

I also pray for those who have been influenced by TCM, that they may experience true healing and restoration through your divine touch. Surround them with your love and protection, leading them to seek your guidance in all matters of their health and well-being.

Lord, I surrender my life and health into your capable hands. Protect me from any negative effects or spiritual dangers that may arise from the practice of TCM. Guide me along the path of true healing, wholeness, and abundant life in you.

I pray all these things in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus, who triumphed over sin and death. 


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Submitted By: Hannah Zuyo

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